Macrotech was founded with a vision to transform the hospitality industry by providing the best-in-class technological solutions. We have a strong foundation and goodwill of over 23 years and counting.
Macrotech USA Inc. Trademark Legal Notice. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.
We deliver our cutting-edge technology solutions to more than 7,000 hotels, encompassing over 115,200 hotel rooms globally. Our suite of products include, Cloud Phone System, Guest Wi-Fi, a...
Hotel Wi-Fi Solution As A Service. Cloud based Wi-Fi Platform with auto Wi-Fi Maintenance. Real-time Wi-Fi dashboard. Reduced guest Wi-Fi complaint calls. Resolve Wi-Fi issues without a truck roll. Improve First Call Resolution rates. Lowest “Average Handle Time” (AHT) for support calls. Proactive solution to Wi-Fi issues.
Designed to meet the changing needs of today’s hospitality industry, Macrotech cloud based phone system as a service will keep you and your guests connected. Built with the latest VoIP and wireless technologies, CloudExt is a flexible and scalable …
With over 25 years of audiovisual and programming experience, MacroTech is here to help make your vision a reality. Our core philosophy is to deliver the best user experience possible, without sacrificing functionality or ease of use.
Our organization offers comprehensive services across Microsoft, AWS, and GCP ecosystems, including ISO internal auditing, to empower businesses in fully leveraging cutting-edge cloud solutions. Our cybersecurity services cover everything from risk assessment and design to implementation and ongoing support.
Macrotech is the manufacturers of Automotive high-end safety and dash cameras. If you are looking for business help, we are here for you! With over 15 years of Trucking industry experience, Macrotech is one of the highly trusted companies.
The MacroTech® Copper Ion Generator controls algae, bacteria, zebra mussels, quagga mussels, bryozoan, Asiatic clams and other biofouling organisms. MacroTech® is your solution for fouling prevention in raw water intake systems.