Troubleshooting is a career path that can provide personal fulfillment and improve the lives of hundreds of facility workers.
Predictive maintenance (PdM) technology allows organizations to continuously track equipment health, detecting early warning ...
Autonomous maintenance is defined as a maintenance strategy where machine operators continuously monitor their equipment, make adjustments and perform minor maintenance tasks on their machines. This ...
Maintenance Backlog is a measure of maintenance work that is ready to be done, but has not yet been completed. Backlog may be measured in hours or weeks based on the total capacity of the maintenance ...
In today's fast-paced business environment, accurate and validated asset information is essential for efficient operations and sound decision-making. This article highlights the importance of asset ...
Maintenance operations represent a significant investment in industrial facilities, and this crucial practice can produce substantial benefits for the entire facility through optimization efforts.
Leadership can be considered the ability to influence and provide direction or guidance for others in pursuit of a goal. While several ways of influencing and directing exist, leadership is effective ...
Misalignment of an asset happens, and everyone has their method, process, and belief on how to resolve it. At that point, industry standards and proven techniques take a back seat to partial training ...
It's estimated that 50 to 70 percent of vibration issues in rotating machinery are caused by misalignment, according to Texas A&M's OAKTrust study on coupling misalignment forces. In fact, reliability ...
Motor testing assesses the integrity of a motor through the use of computer-supported equipment or tools that monitor trends within the motor. Motor testing assesses the integrity of a motor through ...
34th President of the United States and U.S. Army General Dwight D. Eisenhower is famous for making the paradoxical statement, "In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but ...
Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a criticality rating based on their potential risk of failure. Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a ...