During the meeting, documents, protocols and strategies to ensure the protection of minors and vulnerable adults were reviewed and updated. Fr. Gustavo Camarena stressed the need to broaden the ...
In the Emeritus program of TRECE, he shared his intense trajectory, from his work in the Vatican to his current commitment to prayer and service. The school In Imum Cordis of the Order of Augustinian ...
The image of Pope Francis walking alone in St. Peter’s Square during the extraordinary moment of prayer at the height of the ...
Jesucristo, además de ser nuestro Salvador, fue también nuestro maestro de ética y moral. La salvación que Cristo nos da consiste en el perdón de los pecados, en la regeneración como hijos de Dios y ...
Jesus Christ, besides being our Savior, was also our teacher of ethics and morals. The salvation that Christ gives us consists in the forgiveness of sins, in regeneration as children of God and in the ...
Es una virtud cristiana ofrecer el propio sufrimiento por los demás. Mientras se recupera de un tratamiento médico, el Papa Francisco sigue sintiendo los problemas globales que nos afectan a todos, ...
“I came to know the Order in 2015, through good website SEO. I typed ‘Augustinians’ in Google and the first thing I got was Augustinian Recollects. That was the first time I had the first contact with ...
Bajo el lema «Misión JPIC: Peregrinos de esperanza para la transformación sistémica en favor del bien común de toda la creación», laicos y religiosos de diversas partes del mundo se congregaron en ...
Under the motto “JPIC Mission: Pilgrims of Hope for Systemic Transformation for the Common Good of All Creation”, lay people and religious from different parts of the world gathered in Rome from ...