Catch of a shark said to measure 20 feet offered glaring proof that the legendary apex predators inhabit the region.
For the second time in as many months, beach fishermen in Florida have reeled in a great white shark. It happened last month ...
Paleontologists in Peru on Monday unveiled the 9-million-year-old fossil of a relative of the great white shark that once ...
A great white shark was pinged six times off Florida's eastern coast last week as it migrated toward warmer waters from the ...
It's back! A massive, 13-foot, 1,400-pound great white shark, known for making a self-portrait of sorts, has surfaced again ...
He’s not fin-ished. Breton, the nearly 1,500-pound great white shark that went viral for etching a “self-portrait” in the Atlantic Ocean, has again been spotted off Florida shores.
Jon Dodd has one of the coolest jobs in Rhode Island – he follows sharks around for a living. Yes, including great whites, but also a ton of others. He says there are 545 species of shark – new ones ...
Anne Bonny, a nine-foot, 425-pound great white shark, is making herself comfortable off the coast of South Carolina. OCEARCH, a nonprofit agency that tags and tracks ocean animals attached a ...