Directed by Leigh Whannell, Wolf Man is one of the most anticipated horror movies of 2025. The film centres around a family fighting to survive for their lives after some kind of beast attacks them.
It’s so close, in fact, that the steam from its breath wafts up over the top. Director Leigh Whannell frames the shot like a landscape, with the door as the horizon. The image is eerie and beautiful, ...
In Leigh Whannell’s Wolf Man, both the elements of sadness and brutality are in play to great effect and deftly woven together into a thoughtful meditation on the nature of violence in humanity.
Corrections & Clarifications: “Wolf Man” director and co-writer Leigh Whannell's name was incorrect in an earlier version of this article. Pity the werewolf. I mean, duh. You get bitten or ...
Leigh Whannell’s sometimes ridiculous, suspense-challenged and emotionally muted horror tale “Wolf Man” tosses out all the traditional conventions we expect in the werewolf genre.
Leigh Whannell follows ‘The Invisible Man’ with another update on a classic from the Universal archives, unfolding in an isolated farmhouse in the Pacific Northwest. By David Rooney Chief Film ...
Creating a whole new story for a contemporary setting, director and co-writer (with Corbett Tuck) Leigh Whannell is back after so skillfully reimagining The Invisible Man as a female-centric ...
Directed by Leigh Whannell, the low-budget thriller was so successful that Universal rushed to adapt other titles from its classic monsters catalog, imagining a “Dark Universe” series that ...
Wolf Man writer-director Leigh Whannell explains how his vision for the Wolf Man was influenced by Steven Spielberg’s Jaws, and to a lesser extent Pixar favorite Finding Nemo. But the movie was ...