Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii is a unique game through and through, and the team reveals how it all came together!
Yakuza Pirate in Hawaii is the next (and wildest) entry in the long-running Yakuza series, and it truly feels like the ...
Black Flag dropped way back in 2013, I’ve been itching for another worthy pirate adventure. While there have been a few decent attempts released since then, none of them managed to capture my ...
Studio RGG pulls back the curtain on the cutlass-and-rocket launcher fighting in the next Yakuza game.
Watching over it – in full pirate regalia – is the iconic Goro Majima, the titular character of Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza ...
Goro Majima finally ascends to the rank of main protagonist – not with a traditional Like a Dragon entry but one far more ...
Pirate Yakuza puts the focus entirely on fan-favorite comic relief rival Goro Majima for the first time in the series’ ...
Elsewhere on Rich Island is a small animal shelter called Goro Kingdom. A number of animals are kept here, including a cow, a ...
We got a generous amount of time with Goro Majima and his newest swashbuckling journey in an early build of Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.
At a recent preview event, Digital Trends spent two hours playing Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. While that included ...
THE Yakuza series is taking to the high seas for the first time with the upcoming adventure Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in ...
GameCentral speaks with Like A Dragon producer Hiroyuki Sakamoto about mini-game creation, spin-offs, and how the studio’s ...