Tikva. Here, she argues for a new paradigm in Israeli-Palestinian peacebuilding, one in which the relationship between track ...
The world has reached a saturation point with Israel 101 books. We have enough options to guide readers through basic information about contemporary Israel’s history, politics, culture, population, ...
In this careful mapping of the terrain, Dahlia Scheindlin examines whether the forward march of women in Israel has been halted. She charts early revolutionary advances, assesses the scale of recent ...
General Edmund Allenby entering Jerusalem on foot out of respect for the Holy City after the British's victory in Palestine, 11 December 1917. Wikipedia.
In the wake of the EHRC report on antisemitism in the UK Labour Party, a variety of complaints have been made about the IHRA definition of antisemitism. Two of the critics’ principal claims are first, ...
Michael Feuer argues that the eruption of protests against Israel after 7 October sounded the alarm of resurgent antisemitism ...
Izabella Tabarovsky is a Senior Fellow with the Z3 Institute and a fellow with the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and ISGAP. Follow her on X @IzaTabaro. Her Fathom essay ...
Charles Asher Small is the founding director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). Antisemitic notions of Judaism and Jewish identity have often been shaped—and ...
Aaron MacLean: How is Israel’s war against Hamas proceeding and how do battlefield and diplomatic developments there fit into the broader regional competition with Iran? The Israelis took out a senior ...
Andrés Spokoiny is the President and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network. There was a time, not long ago, when societies built their stories around heroes. Now, the victim has dislodged the hero as the ...
Fathom Deputy Editor Jack Omer-Jackaman, writing in a personal capacity, argues in favour of the US unilaterally recognising the State of Palestine. Such a move would be of largely symbolic value, he ...
A group of over 230 Jewish scholars has signed an open letter expressing concern ‘about the current ideological environment in the US and elsewhere and the increasingly censorious culture in many ...