Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, produces toxins and their antidotes to regulate its growth and adapt to stress. In an article published in Nature Communications, ...
Recently published online in the scholarly journal Scientific Reports, a study reveals that individuals with high blood levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), commonly known as "bad cholesterol," ...
Digging in his garden to plant flowers and stumbling upon the remnants of an ice age: this sounds like a scene from a novel that became reality. In Scotchtown, New York State, a mastodon jaw thousands ...
In the state of Virginia, what appears to be an ordinary industrial site could soon become the center of a global energy revolution. Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), a subsidiary of MIT, has ...
It is a system that lives, reproduces, undergoes natural selection, and can die. A chemist from the Laboratory of Physics of Ionic and Molecular Interactions has proposed a model in which a molecule, ...
The Sohar Max cargo ship stands out on the seas. With its massive 35-meter (115 feet) high rotors, it redefines the use of wind energy at sea. A technical achievement paving the way for greener ...
Il y a 517 millions d'années, dans les océans anciens, une course à l'armement évolutive opposait déjà prédateurs et proies.
La nécropole de Saqqarah, joyau archéologique égyptien, révèle une nouvelle surprise. Une tombe vieille de 4 200 ans, ...
Une équipe internationale a réussi à forer la glace la plus ancienne jamais découverte en Antarctique. Cette prouesse ...
a) Mécanisme de stockage de l'information épigénétique. b) Schéma de programmation des types mobiles d'ADN. c) Assemblage ...
Bon plan et code promo - Un surprenant code promo pulvérise le prix de la puissante trottinette électrique Halo Knight T108 ...
Début 2025, le ciel nocturne nous réserve un événement astronomique exceptionnel. Six planètes seront visibles dès le 21 ...